Replacing your windows with double glazed units will certainly cut down on your fuel consumption, yet it is essential that the new windows do not take anything away from the overall look of the property. UPVC and aluminium windows might look nice on a modern property, but a house with some character would require careful design, in order to maintain the look of the property.

Replacement Window Specialists

Fortunately, there are quality uPVC double glazed windows in Nottingham from a supplier that can match the design to the house, and with each unit fabricated to fit the window opening, the windows will fit like a glove. Using uPVC, it is possible to fabricate sash windows that really look like they belong on a period property, and by talking to an experienced double glazing supplier that has extensive experience is designing and installing double glazed windows, you can be sure of a first rate job.

Range of Attractive Designs

The range of designs would include the following:

  • Tudor Style Squares
  • Georgian Style Sash Windows
  • Diamond Leaded Light Units

The double glazed inserts would also have thin white dividers that mimic the style, yet these spacers are actually inside the double glazed units, rather than each pane being individual.

Bespoke Solutions

There are no off the shelf solutions with double glazed replacement windows, rather each unit is made to precise dimensions to ensure a perfect fit. It is always a good idea to fully explore the design possibilities before making any decisions, and by enlisting the help of a specialist double glazing company, you can be sure that the windows will enhance the property.