To help your home’s heating system be more efficient, it is important to regularly maintain the boiler and the radiators. Sludge buildup, trapped air, or damage to the radiators will cause them to work inefficiently and your energy costs will rise. Here are three common radiator problems and what can be done to prevent them.
Restricted Water Flow
Whether the boiler in your home is new or used, corrosion and deposits of debris can cause sludge to build up in it and the radiators. This can restrict the water flow through the radiators, which is easy to detect as the top of the radiator will be warm while the bottom is cool. The best way to solve this problem is to have a qualified plumber flush out the system to remove the sludge and use a chemical inhibitor to prevent corrosion.
Filled with Air
Air can become trapped in the radiators and affect how well your house is heated. When radiators have air in them, they will only work at half-power, which can cause your home to feel chilly and keep the system cycling to make your house warmer. This costs money. The best way to resolve the problem and prevent it from reoccurring is to have plumbers in Dereham bleed the radiators at the start of each winter and midway during the season to release the trapped air.
Cracked Radiators
Even though radiators are sturdy, they can develop cracks in them during an extremely cold winter because the water can freeze and expand and the welds or seams may crack. To prevent damaged radiators, a thermostatic radiator valve or a frost thermostat can be installed to keep the hot water flowing when the temperature drops too low.
Making sure that the radiators are working efficiently will not only keep your home warm but it saves money, too.